Friday, January 30, 2009


Just wondering. What is our future as kenyans. Where is our last hope in. Our political and economic systems are so flawed that nothing short of a radical revolution will have little impact. Our systems are deeply rooted in all the negative vices - corruption, tribalism, mismanagement and incompetence.

Our political system ensures that only the most corrupt or wealthy are the only ones able to compete in our political arena. When are we going to break from this vicious cycle? these politicians will use money, intimidation, bribery, insecurity, murder, harambees etc to get to the top. Where did we go wrong? kenya was way ahead of the south east asian tigers. Experts used to come from south korea to learn a few things from us. Lakini sasa, we are a laughing stock. A recent cia projection showed that by the year 2020, there will be about five world superpowers with the usa at the tops followed by russia, china, india and brazil. They also said that by then, most of the european countries will be ruled by russian mafia (think of the artur brothers in kenya) and that most of african countries will be without central governments (think of somalia).

I strongly feel that unless we radically and swiftly move away from this destructive path, then kenya will be another failed state like somalia. The way we butchered each other after the rigged elections last year show that we are no different from somalia, sierra leone and other war-ravaged countries. The current starvation and famine witnessed in northern kenya shows that we are not different from ethiopian famine of (i think 1984) that killed millions. All this while our coalition govt is staggering from one disaster and inefficiency to another. While the ruling elites are robbing or coffers dry. While our incompetent mp's are increasing their salaries and allowances as frequently as possible while refusing to pay taxes.

My fellow citizens, when is this going to end? many kenyans are hard working but they cannot get a job. Others have jobs but their earnings are meager and cannot support their families. Aids is still killing the most productive part of the population. More than 50% of our population is below 16 years old and yet the govt is not educating people on birth control. If anything, the politicians encourage people to get more children saying this will give them more votes. But how are these children going to be clothed. Where will their school fees and college fees come from? as a result of this, the standard of life led by these children is way lower/poorer than that of their parents.

When are we going to adapt to the challenges of the 21st century when medieval diseases like malaria still kills millions. When poverty rate is increasing instead of reducing. When the gap between the rich and the poor is increasing at an astronomical rate. When the rich and the politicians can only sustain their lifestyles at the expense of millions of our countrymen. Let us not blame the british/colonialists for these vices.

Ukoloni uliisha zamani sana and the buck stops with us - with our current generation. It is time for change. For what is going on is silent genocide where the masses are dying daily, quietly. Are you still there! sema kitu!!

By Kenyajuu

1 comment: said...

All is not lost. We may be at our worst now but I believe that there are Kenyans out there who are working hard to improve our country(I consider myself one one of them)

Akinyi Adongo