Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Our country has become a haven for outright incompetent and corrupt government

Looks to me like Saitoti's goose is cooked as far as Kibaki succession in PNU is concerned. For Lucy to come out strongly, there must have been things brewing under the radar. In a way, this gives Kenyatta a field day.
Hata hivyo, our government, our leadership are all corrupt and inept.
Most of the people in power do not care about the common man - irrespective of their tribe.
I am so fed-up with our system that I think a revolution is the only way o get rid of this mess.
Another point - why is it politically incorrect to talk about family planning at the same time with improving the people's standards of living?
I think that the thre major factors consigning our country to the dark ages are
1. Kuzaa watoto wengi while the country is already full - we cannot even sustain the people we have. More than 50% of our population is below 16 years old. This leaves a very smal proportion of productive population. But the productive population is the one dying from aids tec.
2. Corruption, ukabila and selfishness
3. Mismangement, lack of proper planning, outright incompetence.
Kenyans, amkeni. Or else, we will be driving ourselves to extinction. Our current system is not self sustaining unless we are propped up by donors etc.


Anonymous said...

I think you are right; the country can not be changed with nothing else short of a revolution. Since the level of moral decay and incompetence has reached a point of no return, we need to groom a new generation of lenders who will get us out of this mess. But to have this, we must first accept that we have sinned to ourselves and to those who founded this country with a vision that no Kenya man, women and child will sleep on an empty stomach or be called a squatter in his own country. We must repent for turning this country into a private entity where a single family owns a 10th of the total arable land and there politician head public co operations. Until then we will remain the same, a people who fill their empty stomachs with scarps salvaged from the tables of the so called democratic leaders.

kenyanzuri said...

Yes, you are right Anon. We are now at the crossroads and it is time we got rid of our corrupt system of government.